Monday, 21 May 2012

5 days of holiday in france

There are 5 days of holiday in France, it started Wednesday and it will stop May 21(Sunday).
Yesterday, I went for a bike ride with daddy and my sister (I went on my bike and daddy and my sister walked).
Here are some photos;

Sunday, I am going to my best friends birthday party, my best friend is called Alex. (I have got 3 best friends they are called Alex, Harry and Simon.)
On Sunday, I will post a blog post about the party. (I might do it on Monday.)

                                                   THE END


  1. Hello Louis, It was lovely to see pictures of you riding your bicycle. I used to love riding my bicycle when I was younger. Now I still have a bike, but it is in the garage. Maybe I should get it out sometime. Happy cycling. With love from Auntie Ali xx

  2. Hello Louis. Did you enjoy the birthday party? I had my birthday last week, but we didn't go out or have a party as Uncle David was not well. Tomorrow we will go to the theatre and take a picnic with us as it is very hot and sunny here at the moment. We look forward to hearing about the party, With love from Auntie Ali and Uncle David xx

  3. Hello Louis. When I write on your blog it says it is 14.36 but really it is 22.36, do you know where the clock setting is? My computer date is correct. Thank you. Love Auntie Ali xx

    1. I think you should take your bike out of the garage.
      I loved the Birthday party.
      Did you still have fun at your Birthday party when uncle David was ill?
      I don't know the clock settings yet.
      love LOUIS
